I have head so many time ,people said , It not easy to grow Koi fish so i want to give you idea to grow your Koi fish by easy way.
First , you have to answer what is your objective of growing Koi fish? because if you objective is join contest that is sure not easy so i assume ,you are the beginner and no more budget . :-)
1) Pond
This is simple one for beginning and no more budget.
The water level it should be 40 cm . this is objective is just for fun but for standard is 120 cm minimum .
2) Filler System
this is very important for grow Koi fish because of the quality of water will good or bad depend on filter system as per above i'd like to suggest for tank filter.

3) Water
The water should no chlorine. if you can't avoid the chlorine then you have to wait after you fill the water to your pond for 2-3 days and put more oxygen.
4) Other (Oxygen)
This is will help you to give more oxygen for water actually this is optional if your pond is not much fish then Oxygen come for your filter system it enough but if you want your fish is grow faster then you have put Oxygen pump.
this will help for more bubble .
5) Water Pump
Water Pump is used for bring water from pond to filter tank.
Hope you fun to growing Koi Fish.